The truth about "crusties"...
This word, “crusties”, makes most people slightly cringe - we have an aversion to anything seeping from (or onto) our bodies. But, in this case, this type of discharge is how your skin is protecting your piercing (wound) from getting infected by sealing it with these “crusties”. (Technically called serous fluid. Fun fact.)
This is literally the COOLEST thing about piercing healing… At least to us! 😁
And you see this almost instant protection so often — following squeezing the heck out of a pimple or any bug-bite — this is the super quick way the skin stops anything else from sneaking into your skin. So don’t pick at it!! Or use q-tips… Both of those actions literally shove the discharge back inside. No good can come of that.
Think of the surface of this crust as covered in “bugs” - similar to how sticky pest traps or fly-tape work. Super gross! But, that’s what is covering your “crusties”, too! Just more skin cells, tiny shards of hair and, probably, some bacteria and fungus cells. Your skin is trying to keep that junk out, so help it by not picking!! 🐒 Restrain that inner monkey!! 😅
We recommend a simple, daily flushing rinse of the area to loosen this “crust” as it is ready. And mostly just ignore it!! (We get it - easier said than done… But if you want your piercing to heal well, this is how to get that done! 🫡)
Happy Healing!!