What are piercing bubbles? And how do I get rid of it/them?
These "bubbles" are common following any type of damage to the piercing in the early stages of the healing period. They are similar to pimples, just more of a chronic nature than the ones you're used to. This is NOT an infection. It is a severe irritation and inflammation on the surfaces of the piercing.
Do not squeeze or pick at these blebs! That just makes them worse. Instead, the best practice I've found is to do a short regimen of hot-water compresses 3 times a day for 3 days, then reduce to once a day for a week. Monitor it and repeat this cycle as needed.
Don't get discouraged! These bumps can recur - especially around the start of your monthly hormone cycles. Men and women have hormone cycles, but these are definitely more common with the estrogen/progesterone cycles of women. Expect this and you can use the compresses to get ahead of it! Diligence with these simple and highly soothing compresses will speed the healing of both the piercing AND these surface issues. See this FAQ-blog for some more in-depth articles.